Comey has dinner with Trump including a "very awkward conversation." 1/27/2017

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Comey has dinner with Trump including a "very awkward conversation." 1/27/2017
Date January 27, 2017
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Person James Comey
Classifications Resisting Trumpism
Person Donald Trump
Classifications Advancing Trumpism


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Comey is invited to dinner at the White House with Mr. Trump. According to Comey's account, he had expected others to attend, but found himself alone with the president in a dining room. The dinner progressed into a "very awkward conversation," with Mr. Trump telling Comey, "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty," according to Comey, who "didn't move, speak, or change" his facial expression "in any way during the awkward silence that followed."

"We simply looked at each other in silence," Comey says.

Comey writes a "detailed memo" immediately after the dinner, sharing it with senior FBI leadership but keeping it unclassified.