
We're glad you're here!

Have you been convinced that sooner or later a moral reckoning would lay bare the truth about Trumpism?

Do you believe achieving accountability for the Trump era is the only way forward?

Are you worried that the guilty will demand a 'collective amnesia' in the name of unity? (Hint: This is already well underway).

You are not alone.

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We are a community building a database driven wiki of the people, actions, events, and statements that form the era of Trump. All known content about the Trump era is currently public... but it's not well aggregated or organized. By collecting the information into a single wiki, means that you will be able to:

We are building the knowledge graph of the Trump era.

What does that mean? You can see some examples in our Onboarding Guide.

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We're building up a dataset to document the age of Trump. In a nutshell, it's about capturing all the troubling events, tweets, statements, and actions of the last four years and linking them together with the people and groups who put party over country.

24 Events
564 People
... and growing every day.


Here are our events so far (with plans to add many, many more soon!)

Event Date Type
Event Date Type
Donald Trump announces 2016 presidential campaign 2015-06-15 Speeches
Candidate Trump calls for Muslim Ban 12/7/2015 2015-12-07 Speeches
R. Judiciary Committee letter of intent to block Obama nomination to Scalia's vacancy 2/23/2016 2016-02-23 Written Statements
"If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it." 5/3/2016 2016-05-03 Tweets
James Comey announces he will not recommend charges against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server 7/5/2016 2016-07-05
Trump urges Russian intelligence services to find emails reportedly missing from Clinton's private server 7/27/2016 2016-07-07
Comey sends a letter to Congress informing members the FBI is investigating a new batch of emails related to Clinton's email server 10/28/2016: 2016-10-28
Comey writes to Congress that the new emails don't change the conclusion the FBI made about Clinton's email server 11/6/16 2016-11-06 Open Letters
1/11/2017 Trump retains ownership of his businesses 2017-01-11
Executive Order 13769 2017-01-27 Executive Orders
Comey has dinner with Trump including a "very awkward conversation." 1/27/2017 2017-01-27
Michael Flynn resigns as national security adviser 2/13/2017 2017-02-13
Attorney General Jeff Sessions recuses himself from the Russia investigation 3/2/2017 2017-03-02
Dismissal of James Comey 5/9/2017 2017-05-09 Firings Breaking News
Robert Mueller Appointed as Special Counsel 5/17/2017 2017-05-17 Actions Breaking News
Trump asks Comey to go easy on Flynn 2/14/2017 2020-02-14 Verbal Statements
White House Vetoes USPS Mask Distribution to American Households 9/17/20 2020-04-02 Breaking News
4/17/2020 Tweets to Liberate Minnesota, Virginia, and Michigan 2020-04-17 Social Media Tweets
7/17/2020 Deployment of federal forces into U.S. cities 2020-07-15 Actions
Michael Caputo unhinged rant on Facebook Live 9/13/2020 2020-09-13 Facebook Content
Michael Caputo Apologizes to HHS Colleagues 9/15/2020 2020-09-15 Verbal Statements
Democrats accuse Pompeo of cover-up over IG firing 9/16/2020 2020-09-16 Firings
Trump Says Supreme Court Needs Ninth Justice to Decide Election 9/23/2020 2020-09-23 Verbal Statements
TRUMP: "Get rid of the ballots ... and there won't be a transfer, frankly. There will be a continuation." 2020-09-23

Or, displayed on a timeline: As you can see, there are some gaps to fill ;)


We've pre-populated our people-pages with active members of Congress.

Browse People here.

These profiles are pretty thin so far... we're just getting started, but lots more is on the way! Robert Mueller is an example of a slightly more fleshed out person page.

Once you're on a page, if you're logged into the wiki click the "edit with form" button at the top to edit that page, i.e, to add a picture to a person or event.

Add a Person or an Event

Create a new wiki page for an event, i.e, something that someone did or said, or something that happened.

Create a new wiki page for a person, i.e, someone who might be implicated or involved in Trump-related events.